San Pablo Model Builder Message Board
(Although individual responses may not be listed here, I do answer all email I receive)
From: Georgia Dahlberg
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 11:13 AM
To: Crispin.Garcia
Subject: Model Plans
Many years ago (2004) I developed a set of plans for the San
Pablo. They are still available for $20.00. I watched the
movie some 160 times as will as utilizing all available photos at the
time. Enclosed are some photos of the model I built in HO scale.
Pardon the color of the water.
Georgia Dahlberg P.E.
130 High Street,
Williamstown, KY 41097

From: Mick Coney
Sent: Friday, April 4, 2014 13:46 PM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: Greetings...
Hi Crispin,
For many months weather conditions have been odd and so taking my
San Pablo on the 20 minute trip to the lake has been a problem.
On the occasions it was possible to sail her Jonathan took some photos. They are on the HEMBC site July - Sept. 2013.
Thank you for your kind comments. I have made some big mistakes along the way but overall I am pleased with the result.
It must be 30 years since I first gave thought to this model, time now to enjoy sailing her as often as I can.
From: Dave Sandulli
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 7:12 AM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: San Pablo Model Builder Message Board
I saw on the subject message board a posting to you from Mick Coney
stating that an issue of MRB Jan 2012 had an article and plans for the
San Pablo. I immediately went to MRB website to order the back issue
and was shocked when I was told that the shipping would be some 36
Euros (Approx $45 USD). A ridiculous amount to pay for shipping a
magazine costing about 5 Euros, I feel.
However I would still like to obtain this magazine. Do you know of any U.S. distributor? Or perhaps Canadian?
Hoping to hear from you and thanks for your time,
Dave Sandulli
Woodbury, CT
From: Mick Coney
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 11:58 AM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: French model of San Pablo
Hi Crispin,
In January of this year the French Boat Modeling Magazine "Modele
Reduit de Bateau" published an article about the San Pablo as a
modeling subject in the center of the mag was a plan to build a 1/45
scale boat giving a length of approx. 30 inches on a single sheet
printed on both sides.
The article and plan are the work of Raynald Montembault the plan
number is MRB578, it has everything needed to scratch build a good
representation. I don't know if the plans are available but going to
their website may answer that question for anyone who is interested.
From: Abel Paniagua
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2012 11:58 AM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: The Sand Pebbles...
Dear Mr. Garcia:
My name is Abe and I am a Steve McQueen fan for many of years. My hobby
is collecting and designing 12" custom action figure. Some of my custom
action figure are of Steve Mcqueen. I have put together a collection of
all of his action movies 16 in total and working on one more. Of the
collection I have four of Steve Mcqueen from the movie The Sand Pebbles.
Presently I am upgrading the four from the Sand Pebbles. I requesting
to know if I can submit them to your site? I am sending you a copy
photo of two of them for your review. Again I have some more work to be
![Photo 1]()
![Photo 2]()
Your support on this request is greatly appreciated.
From: Julio Pillet
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 11:22 AM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: UPDATE: USS San Pablo scratch build model in plastic at 1/72 scale
Hello Crispin:
I send you more photos of the model that I'm realising. Normally
drawing first plans before putting to construct the scale model but in
this case, when not having blueprints of which to start off to draw
mine, Plan and scale model simultaneously evolve, so until does not
finish, as much the model as the plans are provisional. First drawing a
basic plan with which beginning to construct the model, that I am
comparing with the photos and thus I discover errors, I alter the model
until it is looked like the photo and soon I am improving the draw one
conforms the model has demonstrated to me to be erroneous.
It can seem a system of slow work and difficult but usually it gives
excellent results to me. Now I want to begin a discussion that will be
engaged me in problems.
Analyzing captures of the film DVD and unloaded photos of the network,
I have realized which the real color of USS San Pablo is not white but
rather a gray clearly. Richard Mckenna in the novel calls "WhiteMoon";
and when analyzing the images are even seen that she is gray, in which
at first sight White is seen. I enclose a screen capture to you where
one sees clearly what I say. I have used different programs stops to
show that he is not only one the one that gives that result me, the
used photo this removed from a forum where discusses to the quality of
image of the DVD and the Blue-Ray.
I have painted the model with a mixture of 80% White, 18%
clear gray and 2% green. In the publisher of trowel of colors of Corel
Draw, the program that I use to draw, sees clearly the color range
where it leaves the one of the capture.
I wait for your opinions.
Julio Pillet.
Image 1 -- Image 2 -- Image 3 -- Image 4 -- Image 5 -- Image 6 -- Image 7 -- Image 8 -- Image 9 -- Image 10
San Pablo model drawing (.pdf)
From: Julio Pillet
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 5:08 AM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: USS San Pablo scratch build model in plastic at 1/72 scale
Hello Crispín:
I am a Spanish naval modelmaker that, attracted by the film "The Sand
Pebbles", I have begun to construct to a plastic model on scale 1/72 of
the USS San Pablo. For it I have resort to all the information that I
could find in Internet, your page has especially been a gold mine.
Send you photos of my scale model in his first week of construction as
well as the plans that I am drawing to realise it.
-- ![Photo 9]()
San Pablo model drawing (.pdf)
What I look for is if somebody has photos or videos of San Pablo in the
dock before the launching where the propelers and the rudder are seen,
to be able to represent them as they were, but I will have to resort to
the imagination and the expeculación. My draws undergo modifications as
I am discovering errors or parts in target, until I obtain the most
approximate result to the reality. It would not be the first time that
after constructing a boat, somebody sends information to me and I have
to redo everything.
Thank you very much.
Julio Pillet.
P.D.: Sorry but I don't speak english. I have used a translate software.
From: Mick Coney
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 2:15 PM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: Followup - my San Pablo model
Hi Crispin,
At the beginning of August I had my S.P. in the water for the first
time, the "sea trials" highlighted that she has the same
characteristics as the original. She has a mind of her own!
During the short time the trials lasted Jonathan Cox, a fellow club
member and talented photographer, took some shots which you can see if
you Google (www.hembc) which are the initials of Hartsholme Electric
Model Boat Club in Lincoln, England.
Click on photos and select July-September.
I still have work left to do but I think the coming winter months could see the project finished.
Response: Fantastic job! I'm sure you're quite proud of your accomplishment. Congrats!
From: Harry Dieffenbach
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 4:29 PM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: Scans of my 1996 Panay build
Hi Crispin: Here are some scans of the Panay build article. I will try
to enhance the pictures and if it works out I will re-send them. Thanks
for your interest.
Scan #1
Scan #2
Scan #3
Scan #4
Scan #5
Stay Healthy and Happy
From: Harry Dieffenbach
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 1:55 AM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: USS Panay
I am an 87 year old scratch builder having built an operating model of
the Panay in 1996 and have recently decided to attack another. I
accidently bumped into the message board and was delighted to find
sympathetic souls. I am under the impression that you are able to
provide plans for the ship. I have acquired the Floating drydock plans
for the Panay but would like to augment them for detailing. I have
attached an old photo of my first attempt and certainly hope this gets thru to you.
Thank You
Harry Dieffenbach
Response: Sorry Harry, I have yet to see anyone come forward with
the actual plans for the San Pablo. Most of the models found in this
thread were scratch made from photos from the movie. That said, your
scratch model of the USS Panay is quite impressive. Nicely done.
From: John and Kris Stewart
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 2:25 PM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: USS San Pueblo
I was told that King & Country avoided using “San Pablo” because of copyright issues.
Dioramas (US Navy 1920-1940):
U.S. Navy:
John S.
From: Mick Coney
Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2009 1:45 PM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: San Pablo model
Dear Crispin
I hope you are keeping well. I thought I would send you a few pictures
to update you on my S.P. build. Progress is not as swift as I would
tike but I would be completely lost without your site.
Last winters project was to plank the boat deck. This as with all the
planking done to date involved stripping planks from sheet veneer each
piece then had a sliver of black paper glued to one edge to represent
the caulking individually laid sand papered down and varnished. (Picture) Including the deck cannon. (Picture)
You may notice that the armour-plates are missing from the wheelhouse they will be added last job as they are delicate. (Picture)
The hull is 75 inches long to give you some idea of size in the pictures. (Picture)
I asked Mick Allsop who produces scale flags printed on silk if he
could identify the three flags flown from the foremast which he kindly
did and then made them up for me.
I enclose a copy of his findings, I hope they are of interest. Mike is happy for you to add this to your site if you
wish. (Picture)
I am sure you must be very pleased and proud of the way your site has
grown over the years. It is a credit to you and your belief in such a
great piece of cinematic history. Congratulations on year eleven.
Mick Coney
From: Limpet6
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 4:54 PM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: The Sand Pebbles Forum
Here's a Christmas surprise.
Orvis, a clothier, is advertising a play replica of the gunboat USS San
Pablo (Sand Pebbles) with a crew of 25 tin sailors in its new catalog:
Pricey indeed at $750, but the subject matter is worthy. After all, with enough gunboats you can rule the world.
R. L. Crossland
From: Trace Havard
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 12:25 AM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: The Sand Pebbles...
I thought you would be interested to know that the toy soldier company KING AND COUNTRY
has released a new collection based on the SAND PEBBLES. Unfortunately
their advertisement calls the gunboat USS San Pueblo instead of the USS
San Pablo. It's under the U.S. Navy section of the website and it
promises to be a very extensive diorama set. I'm sure that other SAND
PEBBLE buffs would like to know about it.
It's been some time since I've checked out your site and you've added a
few things so I'll let others who are interested know about it. You've
created a fine tribute to, as former Yangtze Sailor ,Rear Admiral (ret)
Kemp Tolley said "One of the best U.S.Navy movies ever made."
Fair Winds,
Trace Havard
DCC/Sw USN (ret)
From: Pat Hall
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 8:59 AM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: Gunboat
Hello Crispin,
I have the original blueprints for the USS WAKE (exGUAM).
I can provide these blueprints for any modelers who wish to build the
gunboat. I have never seen a kit for such, nor a set of plans such as I
It would be pricey. They are large: four sheets about 2 foot x 3 foot each.
I would have to get $ 85.00 per complete set postpaid in mailing tube.
Pat Hall
From: Joe DeMarco
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 8:27 AM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: Larry Stitt
Some of you may have looked at Larry Stitt's extensive collection of
Naval figures and San Pablo ship models. His personal site is:
Larry's Collection Page. Here he shows detailed photos of his collection. It goes on to another site where he built an updated San Pablo - 2nd version.
Sadly, Larry passed away on February 4, 2008. I never met him
personally. We did become friends via this site, and a building project
of the "San Pablo".
Joe DeMarco
From: Mick Coney
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 4:53 PM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: San Pablo Model
Dear Crispin,
For the last four winters I have been working on a project the result of which I am enclosing.
Pictures show the mock up balsa hull with a card superstructure 37 1/2 inches long and roughly 1/4 inch to 1 foot scale.
The last three pictures show the mock up on top of a 75 inch part finished hull which I hope will be my San Pablo.
Photos: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
I would value any comments you (or any modeler) may have on the mock up.
Another pair of eyes often see things which others have missed.
All the best,
Response: If anyone has comments on Mick's model I will be happy to pass them on or post them here. - Ed.
From: Bradfield, Brad
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 4:53 PM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: San Pablo Model Builder Message Board
We've all seen the couple of available references saying that the ship
built in Hong Kong by Robert Wise as the "USS San Pablo" was ultimately
sold to an American company building bridges in Vietnam. Is there any
other information out there, like what's the name of the company, and
what ultimately became of her??
Response: Yes, that question has been answered in this section - The Demise of the San Pablo.
From: JT []
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 5:40 AM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: Steve McQueen figure
Hi Crispin,
Remember the Sand Pebbles figure I was kitbashing?
Well it came out good,and I had to wrestle with myself to actually sell it.
I hated to part with it, but I needed the cash, LOL!
Here are some stills (1) (2).
Thank you soooo much for all the pics you sent me, they helped me out
a ton!
I am getting pretty good feed-back as to the figure. I am also
directing people to your web site, as that they want to make Sand
Pebbles too! :')
I hope you're well, and Thank You once again!
Your friend,
Jim "Toads" Todice
From: Georgia Dahlberg
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 8:38 AM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: New address
I still have copies of my San Pablo (type) plans in 1:87 HO scale
available. My new address is : Georgia Dahlberg, 4190 Matson Ave. #2,
Cincinnati, OH 45236 and a new e-mail address:
My old e-mail address will be active for a while. Prices and terms are
unchanged. My current plans for a Liberty ship in 1:87 HO scale are
well underway. I'm building as I develop and in HO scale it will have
to be reduced in length. Thanks all for your interest and support.
Georgia Dahlberg, P.E.
From: Georgia Dahlberg
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 5:25 PM
To: Crispin Garcia
Subject: Latest model of the San Pablo
Attached and included are two shots (photo1 and photo2)
of my San Pablo model built from my plans. This model won third prize
in ships at a local model contest. I would have done better if it
didn't have to compete with my other ship which won first prize and
best in the show. Hope this inspires those who love the San Pablo.
Georgia Dahlberg
From: G. Dahlberg
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2003 9:46 AM
To: Cris Garcia
Subject: San Pablo Model Plans
I have recently completed the development of a set of plans for a ship
(very close to the San Pablo). I will not say that it is an exact copy
of the San Pablo but it is quite close. I call it a 150' River Patrol
Boat. It is currently available to modelers for $10.00 plus $2.50
postage folded in a large envelope or $5.00 postage by mailing
tube....unfolded. The current scale is 1/8" = 1'-0" or 1:94. I will
soon have the set available in HO scale 1:87. Plans are available by
sending a Money Order Only.
Hope this is a help to your modelers. I plan to build mine soon.
Thanks, G. Dahlberg P.E.
From: Mick Coney
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 7:38 AM
To: Cris Garcia
Subject: Model flags...
Hello Cris
Thanks for your e-mail it's good to be in touch.
I was looking at a picture of Larry's model of the S.P. and noticed she
was not flying a flag. This is not in any way a criticism it just
brought to mind a company in the U.K. (BECC Model Accessories) that I
use that prints flags on cotton (both sides) which are superb they come
in five different sizes and very many types, twenty of which are USA
Here are some links for anyone who may be interested in purchasing excellent flags for models.
Stockist (retailer or distributor):
In the USA -
Across the Pond, 12 Church Road, Marblehead, MA 01945, Tel: (781) 639-7017
Or visit their website at
Loyal Hanna Dockyard, 7527 Gilbert Rd, Bergan, NY 14 416 Tel: (585) 494-0027
Or visit their website at
From: Mick Coney
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2002 1:13 PM
To: Cris Garcia
Subject: Panay plans
I have been looking in on this messageboard and have noticed folks
asking for help with the "Panay". I have a set of "dry dock" drawings
which I have not used yet. It must be said that they are excellently
drawn and on that basis I would highly recommend them to any scratch
builder with some experience.
Something a little less complicated is a small reproduction of a
waterline model shown in "Models and Ships" Sept-Oct 1978 issue.
To download this article in a high resolution (200 dpi) here. (2.9MB zipped file)
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 1:13 PM
To: Cris Garcia
Subject: Re: Finally
Thanks for your reply. I'm off on vacation to Michigan (I live in Florida) so the project will be hold or a couple of weeks.
I finished the sheer view and now I'm trying to reconcile the hull
lines with those of the Panay, which is slightly different. The San
Pablo hull is a little on the fat side while the Panay is more
By the way I have already built two engines but one is too big for the
1/4" scale and the other too fragile (very delicate reversing
mechanism). So this model will be single screw but electric. I'll put
sound effects and a smoke generator. I also want to activate the gun:
small charge of blackpowder ignited with the model rocket electric
igniters . That will be something to see.
I'll keep you informed, regards
Ras Ambrioso
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 10:56 PM
To: Cris Garcia
Subject: Finally
I am a "sand pebble" from the day I saw the movie. I've always been a
fan of Steve Mc Queen and this is, by far, his best movie. I am also a
modeler and, since I saw the movie, I've wanted to build a model of the
San Pablo. I collected all the data I could including prints from the
Naval Archives for the Panay. I have watched the movie more than 50
times and even took still shots to get some construction details. This
last week a friend of mine advised me that the movie was being shown on
cable TV and I told him about my dream of building this model. He is a
younger fellow, and being familiar with the internet, he found your
This was the last push I needed to get started in my project. Today I
completed the side view drawing of the model in 1/4"=1'-0" (1/48) scale.
I want to thank you for the effort in building this site and I will keep you informed of my project's progress.
Thanks for a wonderful site.
Ras Ambrioso
From: Scott Melvin
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 5:23 AM
To: Cris Garcia
Subject: San Pablo
Hi Cris,
I very much enjoy your website. Is it possible to see a plan of the San
Pablo or a set of clear photos: bow, stern, port and starboard?
Best wishes, keep up the good work.
From: Jan LV
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2002 4:04 PM
To: Cris Garcia
Subject: Re: "hello engine"
Hi Cris
Our model about 2 foot long, was modeled after the gun boats of the era.
The model information I have, by our Master Model Maker, Bob Mader, is that the
studio built a full scale gun boat for the movie. Our model is in the
#2 'tween deck museum, next to the engine itself and the display of the
pistons that were removed from the engine.
Just talked to the Model Maker and another shipmate about a picture for
you of the model. Would this be a Modeling website and/ or magazine?
Thought I'd like to develop something about our models and Bob Mader in
the main museum of the Lane Victory.
From: Jan LV
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 2:25 PM
To: Cris Garcia
Subject: Re: "hello engine"
We have a model of the San Pablo, best to my knowledge, modeled after the
boat in the movie, if I see our Master Model maker tomorrow will get
details. I will take a good look at the model and get back to you.
We sell a book of photos and histories of the ship models made by
Bob Mader, our Master Model Maker, will check that too.
Can you or have you taken a copy of the SP engine photo from our website
to use on yours?
swamped, later
From: Jan Michaelis
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 3:05 PM
To: Cris Garcia
Subject: Re: "hello engine"
Actually we have two 3" guns now. One is stored in lower #2, visitors
see it as they pass through the hatches.
The first 3" sat on top of #1 hatch for years and was maintained there,
finally a year or so ago, a gun tub was fabricated on the foredeck and
the gun installed there. Another interesting barge crane process, this
time during day light hours.
Will look for a photo for you, any chance it could end up on your web
site with a LV credit ???
From: Jan Michaelis
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 3:04 PM
To: Cris Garcia
Subject: Re: "hello engine"
Hi Cris,
Why did I think that someone really into the 'Sand Pebbles' engine
would live right here in SoCal? Do you have a picture of the engine as
it is now in our No 2 Hold (museum)? If not will see if I can find a
copy to send you.
I just had a quick moment when I saw the 'Sand Pebbles' site, didn't get a chance to explore it.
Here is a bit more about the engine, you may or may not know. All of
the pistons were pulled and are now on display on the back side of the
engine. Crankshaft, cleaned of all blood (movie joke) was removed and
anything else that would create drag. Then it was set up to run
electrically. This is usually only done when the two men who modified
the engine are on board. Both live in the Santa Barbara area, some 100
miles away. They come down and stay onboard during each of our cruise
weekends, and have the engine running all day long. Both are
machinists, Jim Higman, was Chief Engineer on the Glo Mar Explorer
during part of the attempt to raise that Russian sub. Gene Allen is a
retired railroader, who has built to scale his own railroad, engine,
cars, tracks and all, hauls kids round and round. I was one of several
of the deck crew present one night at just midnight, when a huge barge
crane called 'Mr. Manson' came along side the #2 hatch, which was wide
open. The crane lifted the 'Sand Pebbles' engine off the deck of the
barge, and very slowly raised it up and over the rail, over the hold
and down, so gently onto the 'bed' our engine gang had created for it.
The engine, operating or not, is a great favorite with our visitors and
cruise passengers. As yet no opportunity has arisen, for it to be used
in any other movie, but we keep hoping.
Will get the brochures in the mail, invite is open ended. Appreciate
any brochure info you can get on your web site. Our 2001 Catalina
Cruise were a SELL OUT before our second set of cruises! We are hoping
to do the same thing this year.
From: Jan Michaelis
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 6:11 PM
To: Cris Garcia
Subject: "hello engine"
Hi 'Sand Pebbles' Cris,
My name is Jan Michaelis, I am a volunteer crew member of the SS Lane Victory, located in San Pedro, CA.
Have you been down recently to visit the 'engine' from that epic movie that documented the Navy's Asiatic Fleet?
The engine is fully operational, everything goes up and down and in reverse. Of course there is no drive shaft connected.
Would like to hear from you, and if you like set up a date and time for a visit, when we can have the engine running for you.
Would like to send you some of the Lane's brochures and related info,
as she is really, fully operational, full time armament and all and
goes to sea at least 7 times a year. In the past we have gone to sea
for the movies, Outbreak, Titanic, and The Thin Red Line. Many others
filmed at our dock or other locations in the harbor.
Check our web site at
From: David Sharpness
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 12:46 AM
To: Cris Garcia
Subject: mcqueen action figure
Hi Cris...
I happened upon this browsing about on eBay one day…
"Up for auction: a customized, yet also complete 12"
Elite Brigade figure, the Limited Edition (#322 out of
402)and now discontinued "U.S. Navy Yangtze River,
China 1926", 1/6th-scale action figure. The original
head and neck have been replaced with a custom Steve
McQueen head (see photos) to represent his character
in the movie "The Sand Pebbles". However an original
Elite Brigade neck and head with brown-hair is
From: James Hathaway
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 10:36 AM
To: Cris Garcia
Subject: USS Palos Drawings
Hi Crispin,
I just wanted to let you know, I received my copy of plans for USS Palos from
Maryland Silver Company.
They are standard photocopied booklet of general plans from U.S. Navy sources.
Owing to age, they are not too clear, but they are usable.
If you plan to do a gunboat from this source, I would suggest a search
for photographs, as I have only seen one photo of one of these gunboats
that would be useful in modelling her.
The plan is useful, but in all projects like this, photos are just as
important as drawings
for detail.
Best Regards,
Jim Hathaway
From: Larry Stitt (Shadow)
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 10:48 PM
To: Cris Garcia
Subject: New San Pablo Model
Hi Crispin,
As Joe DeMarco mentioned in his last email to the forum, I have been
working to complete the San Pablo based on his plans. I have published
a web page containing several photos of my almost-completed model.
There's also a link to the new page from my personal collection page at
Joe's comprehensive plans are easy to read and follow, and you can
raise or lower the height of the 1st and 2nd deck structures to
accomodate 45mm or 60mm sailors. For those that may be interested in
obtaining his San Pablo Plans - click here.
I still have some minor detailing to do, but thought the gunboat was
far enough along to give other forum members a look-see at my efforts.
My best to you and other San Pablo Forum participants,
Larry Stitt
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Subject: YANGPAT miniatures...
Date: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 9:50 PM
From: Gregory Blake
To: Crispin Garcia
Visit my Cannon Fodder Miniatures
Subject: San Pablo Drawings
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 16:16:36 EDT
From: JAD11240
To: Cris Garcia
Crispin...........A pencil set of drawings have been developed. Larry
Stitt (in Arizona) is building a model and I too am building one,
although not as fast as Larry is. The drawings depicts a 44" long by
10" wide semi-scale model. Larry, who is very knowledgeable about the
San Pablo, and I have been reviewing most of the details to get it as
right as we can. I have also been in touch with some suppliers of
fittings to place some of the details on the model. The design is
around 54mm sailor figures, like Britains, although other manufacturers
do make sailor castings in that size. Later I will try to develop some
figures that will be suitable to the ship. Some are ready now but not
in any quantity. Once we have the kinks worked out from the working
drawings, and the models are built, a final drawing will be done for
those interested in buying a set. Approximate time will be in Nov./Dec.
Joe DeMarco
Subject: HMS Jonquil
Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2001 22:48:57 -0700
From: James Hathaway
To: Crispin Garcia
Hi Crispin,
I thought you might like to know, The Sand Pebbles
is out on tape again- I got a copy for a friend at Suncoast Video for
fourteen dollars and some change, proceeds going to the Arizona
Memorial, I believe.
Enclosed are two photos of HMS Jonquil, (Jonquil-1) (Jonquil-2) the first corvette model I did, about ten years ago.
I thought you might enjoy seeing them.
Subject: German gun boat photo
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 16:37:52 EDT
From: JAD11240
To: Cris Garcia
This is a photo of the boat I mentioned in my email. This is the first
picture that I am scanning, let me know if it works. To see here.
Joe DeMarco
Subject: Build a Model
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 22:13:47 EDT
From: JAD11240
To: Cris Garcia
I am in the process of designing a near scale waterline model of the San
Pablo. The scale is for 1/32 figures similar to Britains (54mm). I have
just completed the moulds for 4 different sailor figures. I already have
moulds for the officer types and the basic marching sailor. The concept is to
make a great model, but not to exact scale as it might be too large in my
scale. The plans are nearly complete and I will be building the model by
summer. Is there any interest in people buying plans of this ship or the
figures. Previously, I built a German Gunboat circa 1900, with crew. Photos
are available.
Joe DeMarco
Subject: Re: Recent San Pablo Model Project
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 10:06:03 -0700
From: Larry Stitt
To: Crispin Garcia
Thank you for your kind comments regarding my effort and my collection
page. Although quite time consuming, I rather enjoyed this first time
project and look forward to building another more realistic model of
the San Pablo.
You are doing a great job with your forum, and providing a fantastic service, for all participating Sand Pebbles fans.
Larry Stitt
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Subject: Recent San Pablo Model Project
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 18:21:27 -0700
From: Larry Stitt
To: Cris Garcia
Hello Cris,
I read, with interest, the many emails on your forum concerning models of
the San Pablo. I recently built one (a mind's-eye concept, anyway) and
manned it with a few vintage 48 to 60MM plastic and lead sailors from my
collection (
A photo of the 90% finished model can be viewed at
Other than watching the movie multiple of times and seeing one still photo
of the actual model of the San Pablo made by the Hong Kong builder , I sat
down with no plans, and simply planned a "conceptual" model 36" long by 7"
wide, then built it. Eventually, I plan to make another one that is less
conceptual and more closely depicts the actual San Pablo.
Another photo of my San Pablo can be seen at
My best to you,
Larry Stitt
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Subject: New YANGPAT miniatures
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 22:02:36 +0930
From: gregoryblake
Organization: Kormilda College
To: Crispin Garcia
Dear Mr Garcia,
I thought you might like to see the latest YANGPAT figures from here
Greg Blake
Visit Cannon Fodder Miniatures
Subject: Re: YANGPAT Cannon Fodder Miniatures...
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 18:25:25 +0930
From: gregoryblake
Organization: Kormilda College
To: Crispin Garcia
Thanks Crispin for your email and the link to my website. Keep watching for more figures due out soon.
All the best
Greg Blake
Visit Cannon Fodder Miniatures
Subject: Yangtze Patrol miniature figures
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 10:36:10 -0500
From: Jeff Jones
To: Cris Garcia
Greetings, Mr. Garcia.
I just wanted to let you know that an Australian military miniatures
company is in the process of making Yangtze Patrol figures for
skirmish-oriented wargaming. A few pictures of the US figures have been
posted on their website, including a sailor with a BAR and an officer.
The expressions on the faces of the figures are, to me, kind of
cartoonish (which seems to be common among British/Australian figure
sculptors), but the figures are obviously meant to be a tribute to a
period and movie we love, so I can't be too hard on them. You can check
them out at the Cannon Fodder Miniatures website.
Jeffry Scott Jones
(By the way, I showed my girlfriend The Sand Pebbles for the first time,
and she was deeply moved. I'm still working on my own model of the
Subject: Model
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2001 16:05:02 -0800 (PST)
From: tlee531
To: Crispin Garcia
Does anyone know where I can get a scale model of a gunboat similar
to the San Pablo? Been looking everywhere and I can't find anything
even close.
Thanks Shipmates
Subject: Yangtze Patrol minatures
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 16:05:02 -0800 (PST)
From: David Sharpness
To: Crispin Garcia
Hi Cris
Found this site with minatures of Yangtze Patrol
sailors--Cannon Fodder Minatures
Subject: Gunboat Drawings
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 00:09:33 -0800
From: James Hathaway
To: Cris Garcia
Dear Sir-
This is a great website- I am currently collecting data to build a radio-controlled
U.S. Navy China gunboat, probably U.S.S. Panay.
I thought you might appreciate some plans sources that will save other model
builders much time and aggravation.
The Floating Drydock is a superb source for plans, photos, data and fittings.
His own TFW drawings are taken from the USN booklet of general plans.
He offers plans for U.S.S. Panay in 1/96 and !/48th scales and they are excellent.
I saw another set from another company for the U.S.S. Monocacy but I have
not actually seen these drawings.
The other source for ship drawings from the national archives is the Maryland Silver Company which offers Spanish American war and Civil War ship drawings.
They do have a set for the U.S.S. Panay and Monocacy (I have Monocacy on
Both companies are on the web.
Gunboats for a modeller are difficult to find good photographs of (I have only seen
one photo of Monocacy) but good drawings can overcome a lot of this.
Jim Hathaway
Subject: Gunboat plans
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 12:34:54 -0800
From: Bayer, John
To: 'Crispin Garcia'
Hi Cris:
For those looking for gunboat plans, you might post these 2 sources, from the Naval Historical Center website:
1) Special Media Archives Services Division, NWCS, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001;
telephone (301) 713-6885.
Their collection includes the general plans and drawing of most
ships stricken from the Naval Vessel Register. Requests should be
limited to no more than three ships at any one time. The average cost
for microfilm is $23.00 per reel. Charges for paper copies vary with
the size of the original drawing. The old name for this Division was
the Cartographic Branch.
2) Smithsonian Institution:
This collection includes the plans of naval and merchant ships
with emphasis on 19th Century ships. The quality is generally high.
Many are not original drawings, but were done by Howard I. Chapelle and
other for publication. Separate catalogs are available for naval ships and for merchant ships.
The naval ship catalog does not include modern ships. Each catalog
costs $10.00 and can be purchased, using a check or money order made
payable to the Smithsonian Institution, from:
Smithsonian Collection of Warship Plans
Ship Plans
NMAH 5010, MRC 628
Smithsonian Institution
Washington DC 20560
John Bayer
Editor, SA
Subject: Re: New San Pablo Model Builder Forum...
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 13:09:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Sharpness
To: Crispin Garcia
Hi Cris,
As it happens I visited your site yesterday, and saw
the model thread, and wondered, was that there
before!!?? Those are good ideas!
I still hop about looking for Panay things--I've read
the Sand Pebbles book now, and watched the video
several times. (Once, very closely, as I found
elephants like the movies in old National Geographic
story about Nanking, and wonedered if it was filmed in
Nanking!! They're different, but that thought had me
Here and there I find things, usually Yahoo search
Panay, or USS Panay, or...Sand Pebbles (2 years on
the web:)!
In the library at Palomar College are bound editions
of old Literary Digests--Oct 9, 1926 has article about
the gunboats right around the time of the Sand Pebble
Right now I'm focusing on how the six "new gunboats"
the book refers to (the Panay being one) were built,
how they were funded, and so on. Naval History, February 2000 has some of the story.
I've browsed about your site looking for how the San
Pablo was built too--and I think there's a story to
But the movie boat is so realistic, one wonders if the
Chinese who built it were the same workers that built
the real ones. (Oh, that's the title of the Naval History
article--The Real Sand Pebbles)
And, this I'd really like to get a feedback on--what
happened to the movie boat??
It's a treasure
trove of stories, you know--the Yangtze Patrol goes
back to before the Revolution (ours!).
Oh, in one search I found obit of Admiral Fowler, who,
it said, had a hand in designing the Panay. This
caught my eye, as he did a lot of design work for
Disney--Fowler's Harbor.
Subject: Re: San Pablo Information
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 19:47:00 +0100
From: "Rob Crain"
To: "Crispin Garcia"
Hello again
My apologies for the slow
reply, and a huge thank you for your reply. Myself and my ship building
friend would love to contact any other model builders out
there, as long as any of them don't mind. If you would pass my email
address on to them, I would be very grateful. It is
My friend has looked into a model of the Panay (not by Iron Shipwright,
but another plan maker). He says he would be content to make this model
believe the plans he has are excellently made), but would prefer to get
the model as close to the San Pablo as possible, as there are
between the ships, I am told.
As for the CD you offered -
I was a little unsure of what you meant. Am I right in thinking that
you will send me (or my friend) a copy of the CD, but if
someone else requests it, we would then send it on to them? I think we
would rather purchase from you a copy of our own if this is possible,
as a
reference source for the building of the model.
Finally, a our gratitude
for your help, and please be sure to post on your website news of when
the virtual walkthrough of the ship is complete!
Rob Crain & M. Coney
Subject: San Pablo Information
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 18:10:05 +0100
From: "Rob Crain"
To: Cris Garcia
Hi there
I write on behalf of a friend
who is a great fan of "The Sand Pebbles". He is a keen and talented
model ship builder, and is desperate to build a model of
the San Pablo. However, he has so far found very little information on
the ship, despite writing to 20th Century Fox and the Smithsonian
Institution. In fact
I have been able to find him more information from the internet and
your website over the past few days than he has discovered in the past
5 years! We
are very grateful to you for your superb site.
In order to build his ship,
my friend wondered if plans were ever drawn up for the contruction of
the San Pablo, either for models, or for the actual ship's
construction? We'd be very appreciative if you could throw some light
on this.
If not, could you perhaps point us in the direction of further information on the ship?
Also, I noticed that you mentioned a CD-ROM
of the featurette "A Ship Called The San Pablo". We'd love to hear more
about this CD; I'm sure it would be
a God-send to my friend's project.
Many thanks for your help and your excellent site!
Rob Crain (on behalf of Mr. Michael Coney)
Lincoln, UK
Subject: San Pablo Model
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 15:46:17 -0500
From: "Lilly, Richard"
To: Cris Garcia
I would like to build a large scale model of the San Pablo and am having
difficulty finding plans. Can you help?
Subject: San Pablo the Boat
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 14:19:19 -0400
To: Cris Garcia
Dear Cris,
Thanks for your timely and informative
reply to my email. I would be interested in your offer to provide the
email addresses of others interested in modeling the San Pablo. Also I
would like to obtain the CD-rom , "A Ship Called San Pablo", and agree
to the stipulation of forwarding it to the next requester. Again thanks
for the effort, I'm
spreading the word about the website and the excellent job you are
Ron Stutesman
133 Hilltop Dr Brick NJ 08724
Subject: San Pablo the boat
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 12:33:51 -0400
To: Cris Garcia
This is truly a great site both
in it's content and honor paid to the film and the people who made it.
I am presently in the process of developing a plan to build a working
model of the San pablo. Your pictures have helped me and the details
about the ship being built as a prop surprised me. Obviously I am
impressed with the ship enough
to model it and am saddened to learn that the actual ship has been
scrapped and only the engine has been preserved. For years I had
conjectured that the actual boat
was probably an artifact from some South American Country resurrected
for the film. I even thought that it would out class most of the large
pleasure yachts of rich and
famous notoriety, and day dreamed about living on such a boat. I'm an
old WestPac sailor so I know you understand.
Anyhow, now that I know that it was
purposely built, I suspect that the plans might still exist. I would
appreciate it if you could direct me to someone who might know of
their existence ,hoping that they weren't scrapped with the ship, and
also provide more detail on the ship itself. Possibilities include: the
designer, the actual shop that built
it or even the studio. My present plan of attack is to photograph
stills off of the TV screen for details and use my best guess estimate
for sizes. I am experienced in this
method and have had good success on other projects but it would be more
accurate not to mention easier with more to go by,i.e.. real plans.
Also I believe this project
deserves the quality I plan to incorporate in the model, lets call it
my salute to film.
I have also noted that some of the pictures
in the photo gallery showed models, which is to be expected before a
large project like building the full-sized prop was
attempted. Any ideas or help you could provide would be deeply
appreciated. In any event I'll keep you advised of my progress if you
are interested.
Ron Stutesman
133 Hilltop Dr Brick, NJ 08724 732-458-2241
Subject: Panay
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 20:48:26 -0700
From: David
To: Crispin Garcia
Hi Chris,
Thanks, yeah, I have that photo. Today I found a search engine called
Dogpile and typed in
USS Panay and it went and "fetched" some sights, one with several photos by
a model builder of his Panay diorama--so Ive got a good
look at the details I haven't been able to see. If I had the two hundred
dollars I'd buy the model--it's a resin kit made by Iron Shipwright.
Yes, I think so! The posters to your forum should be a good source of
And too I found with Dogpile the China Marines, really nice site I'll get
back to you with that one--I think my search word was China Marines.
There was an earlier Panay and it was Admiral Nimitz first command.
I've found some neat stuff, a year old interview with one of the Japanese
pilots for example, and a long book, The Japanese Imperial Conpiracy which
has just a wonderful chapter one--it puts December 12, 1937 in its context,
the fall of Nanking and China's civil war.
I think the Smithsonian has a model too, and I keep seeing e-bay listings
for Naval Covers of the Panay, but they've all been sold!
For my class at school I can/am/maybe building a Panay site. I dunno
though, I'm a little shy...I'll make it, and if it looks allright...
A detail: Early in the movie the Chinese workers are hauling carts with a
strap over one shoulder--that strap has been used for thousand of years
to pull the junks on the Yangtze from shore, and when the Panay survivors
were going finally back to safety, they were in small junks being pulled
along a canal, which may have been the grand canal, but I'm not sure.
There's a new book about the merchant ships of the Yangtze Patrol
era--Amazon has that. And Tolley's book I read is to be re-issued..
Years ago now, I happened to be reading about the Panay when the Stark was
misled, and that scared me, and then when we mistakenly hit the Chinese
embassy in Yugoslavia, I slapped my head and said 'Heck! I gotta go look up
the Panay! I'd forgotten all about the Sand Pebbles, but links must have
been going on in my subconscious. One of my scenes has a little boat with
American flag next to a junk, very much like in mood to the opening of the
movie--a lot like the model builder's diorama!
And then there's the British Yangtze Incident of 1948...Rambo's guru was
right on with his depiction of circumstances fraught with peril waiting for
David :}
Subject: Sand Pebbles
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 20:09:25 -0700
From: David
To: Cris Garcia
You know, for the last two months I've been researching
the Panay, browsing the web, and had bookmarked your site. Last night I
watched The Sand Pebbles, got it
through the library, and was struck at how authentic it is....the
scenes of Shanghai are right out of My War with the Japs by Alcot. I
came back to your site and read
some of the posts. The research has got me going off in all
directions...China Marines presently. Were there Marines on the
I saw The Sand Pebbles in the movies (I'm fivethree...). For my project
I"ve been drawing the Panay, but all the photos are not very good, The
San Pablo is a little
Panay--one smoke stack instead of two. Naval History, 2/00 has gunboat
on cover and story.
What the hell happened? Smedly Butler could tell us. :)
Subject: Re: Models of San Pablo
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 17:57:13 EDT
From: YngtzPtrl1
To: Cris Garcia
Hello Cris,
Thanks for the tip on the new section on your website. Your TSP site
continues to be the best site I have come across on the Internet.
In regards to your question regarding models, I have not come across any
information on anyone having built a model of the USS San Pablo. I would
guess that someone has built such a model, though, as the movie is very
popular. One problem, however, would be a lack of plans/drawing of the ship.
If you look on page 66 & 67 of the Sea Classics issue with the TSP article,
there are photos of a waterline model of the USS San Pablo. There is an
article in the 10/95 issue of Scale Ship Modeler that mentions this model as
having been a gift to director Robert Wise from the full size vessel's
Chinese builders.
I know that the sentiment of several ship modelers with interests in the
Yangtze River gunboats is: why build a model of a fictional ship when there
are plenty of real subjects, with plenty of reference materials. In reality,
the movie USS San Pablo doesn't resemble the real ship that the fictional one
was modeled after, the USS Villalobos.
The kit of the USS Panay that was to be released in the Spring of 1999 has
been held up. I am not sure of it's present status, but I hope it gets
released, as I think it will sell well (even with it's hefty $165 price tag).
Have you had a chance to read Dennis Noble's book, The Eagle and the Dragon?
I had planned to e-mail Mr. Noble after you included his letter on your
website, but I have fallen behind on my correspondence. I am currently
reading A Rocky Mountain Sailor in Teddy Roosevelt's Navy, which is a
compilation of an Asiatic sailor's letters to his sister from 1905-1910. It
gives really great insights to the sailor's life on the early Asiatic
Station. The sailor, Charles Fowler, was very articulate, and a very good
writer. It is amazing (to me) that his letters survived. A good read!
Take care, and thanks again for the tips.
Subject: "San Pablo"
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 99 13:53:00 -0500
From: "Tamantini, William"
To: Cris Garcia
My friend tells me you are the Sand Pebbles contact. I tried the 20th
Century Fox archives and they said the archives are not for public
information. I have never built a scratch model before but that boat
intrigues me. I will build it one way or another but it nice to have some
accurate plans.
I am thinking about balsa in 1/8th scale. If there is any help you can give
me, I would appreciate it.
Thanks, Bill Tamantini
Subject: San Pablo drawings
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 18:03:41 -0400
From: "Van Buskirk, Lance SFC"
To: Cris Garcia
Sir, After a great deal of research, I have yet to find a model of the type
of gunboat that served in China. I would like to build one from scratch, but
it is difficult at best to draw the boat from watching the film. I know the
movie company added there own style to the San Pablo, are there any
blueprints or naval drawings of the China gunboats. I would appreciate your
help in this matter, and to anyone who can enlighten me!
Sincerely, Lance Van Buskirk
Subject: San Pablo
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 17:19:57 EDT
From: Navionflyr
To: Cris Garcia
CC: Charles.J.Schuler
Dear Chris,
Thank you for your recent e-mail and picture of the San Pablo ...
unfortunately the dog (or the computer) ate the hardcopy before I got to
filing it ... and we try to keep the mail box empty so if it wouldn't be too
much trouble I would appreciate your comments again.
Through your website (or the internet at large) I have made the acquaintance
of a Mr. Charles Schuler in VA who has a similar modeling interest and I have
offered to share any information I am able to uncover on the San Pablo ... he
has agreed to do the same.
To date I have been unsuccessful trying to contact 20th Century. I wrote a
blind letter (not e-mail) to them c/o the public relations department about a
month ago and have had no response. I basically stated that I was interested
in building a museum-quality model of the San Pablo and asked for any
assistance that they might be able to offer. If you know some one at the
Studio who I might direct a letter to in this regard I would appreciate
knowing his (her) name
In the mean time I understand that several models have been built ... one by
Vaughn & Jung Engineering Ltd., and one that is now at the Lane Victory
museum ... if I recall your last note you mentioned the craftsmans name of
the model at the Lane Victory .... is he still alive? Do you happen to know
how (or if) he can be contacted?
Hours spent on the internet trying to learn if Vaughn & Jung are still in
business have so far been unproductive .... have had some correspondence with
several Chinese-English newspapers but no help there. Have also sent about a
dozen blind e-mail messages to Chinese shipbuilding concerns asking for any
information that they might be able to offer ... for the most part these have
gone unanswered. As we are relatively close (less than 45 minutes drive)
from Manhattan I expect to pursue this inquiry with the Chinese trade
commission in NY City (if one even exists).
I agree that maybe my best hope is with the picture studio .....
Have found plans for the USS PANAY ... is it reasonable to assume, since both
ships were supposedly built for the unique purpose of navigating a relatively
shallow river, that the hull of the PANAY might be sufficiently similar to
the San Pablo to use it, and then build the superstructure from scratch using
photos from the movie as reference??
Thanks in advance for your continued support of this project/inquiry
Larry Shepard
34 Fairfax Drive
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
Subject: RE: More San Pablo...
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 12:32:55 -0700
From: "Schuler, Charles J NAO02"
To: "'Crispin Garcia'"
Thanks for the additional pictures. I will view my copy of the movie for
the 30th time and see what shots I might use. I got an email message the
other day from a Larry Shepard, in New Jersey, who wants to build a model of
the San Pablo to put a steam engine he built in. I mailed him copies of the
Ships in Scale and Scale Ship Modeler articles, Steve from sent me. Most of the info was on the Panay and the Wake
but every bit helps. Included was a good clear starboard side shot of a
model of the San Pablo and two of the shot you just sent.
I think I have enough to at least start my scale drawings. I'll keep you
posted. I emailed Lane Victory in hopes of locating Robert J. Mader who
donated a model of the San Pablo to the museum but got no reply from Lane
Victory yet. Thanks again for all your help.
Charlie Schuler
Subject: RE: Modeling the San Pablo
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 06:07:15 -0700
From: "Schuler, Charles J NAO02"
To: "'Navionflyr'"
CC: "'Cris Garcia'"
I'm still gathering information such as still photos, magazine articles and
the like. I got most of my information so far from Cris Garcia of the San
Pablo web page. He sent me still photo from the movie plus copies of old
Scale Ship Modeler articles on the San Pablo.
Model maker Robert J. Mader donated a model of the San Pablo to the Lane
Victory Museum in Seal Beach, CA. I've emailed the Lane Victory webmaster
asking for Mr. Mader's email address in hope of obtaining a
copy of his plans.
I haven't heard from Lane Victory yet, but I'm hopeful. Like yourself I am
facing making my own plans. I'm currently working on a 1/8" scale waterline
drawing base on photo information. The ship was a $200,000.00 prop, built
in Hong Kong in 1963, for the movie. The ship is all steel construction
(it's still being used in Viet Nam) 150' long, 27' wide and has a 30' stack.
If you send me your mailing address, I will send you copies of what I have.
Us modelers got to stick together. If you come across anything more, please
share it with us. Thanks
Charlie Schuler
-----Original Message-----
From: Navionflyr
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 1999 11:01 PM
To: Charles.J.Schuler
Subject: Modeling the San Pablo
Dear Sir,
Recently saw your note on the "Sand Pebbles" forum board ... am also
interested in modeling the San Pablo.
Have already built a twin-cylinder live steam engine as power for the model
... am now looking for information which will lead to construction of a
museum quality model.
So far all inquiries have been dead ends. Have about decided to take still
pictures (from the TV screen) of the ship as depicted in the film and spend
a lot of time on the drawing board.
Have left numerous requests on BBS's devoted to ship modeling and no one has
yet been able to offer any help.
Hope you have had more luck! If you have, I would greatly appreciate any
information that you could share with me. I will do like wise as I uncover
anything more.
Thanks in advance.
Larry Shepard
Subject: The Sand Pebbles
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 22:30:48 EDT
From: Navionflyr
To: Cris Garcia
Dear Sir,
I am interested in building a steam-powered, museum quality model of the "San
Pablo" as depicted in the 20th Century Fox film "The Sand Pebbles."
I understand that the ship in the film was constructed for the purpose and
designed to be in keeping with the description in Mr. Mckenna's novel. Do
you think it may be possible to research this project through studio archives
or actually enlist the aid of the studio in obtaining enough information to
make this project a success?
Any assistance or advice that you may be able to offer will be greatly
Thanks in advance.
Larry Shepard
Subject: The San Pablo
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 11:32:36 -0800
From: "Schuler, Charles J NAO02"
To: Cris Garcia
I have been searching the internet on information about the ship, the San
Pablo. I am a model ship builder. The Sand Pebbles is my favorite movie.
I've seen a hundred times and read the book ten times. You mentioned on your
web page that the ship was built for the movie. I would like to build a
model of the San Pablo. Could you help in providing a source for obtaining
plans or any information on her dimensions? Thanks, a devoted fan.
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