"THE SAND PEBBLES" FADE IN 1 - LONG SHOT OF 1925 BATTLESHIP OR CRUISER OFF CHINA COAST Superimpose CHINA 1926 RAVAGED FROM WITHIN BY CORRUPT RIVAL WARLORDS... OPPRESSED FROM WITHOUT BY THE ENSLAVING TREATIES FORCED UPON HER BY THE GREAT POWERS WHO HAVE BEATEN CHINA TO HER KNESS IN 1841, WHEN SHE HAD TRIED TO CLOSE HER DOORS FOREVER TO THE "FOREIGN DEVILS"... A COUNTRY IN CHAOS, WANTING TO BECOME A NATION... THROUGH REVOLUTION 2 - VIEW FROM ABOVE DECK - DAY Bugle sounding formation for inspection. Men in whites hurrying out of hatches and scattering around the deck to form up. All very trim and brisk as orders are barked by Division Officers. 3 - COMPARTMENT - DAY Holman, a wry, well-built man of about 26. Just now, his face stiff, he is packing his sea bag, neatly and carefully. He glances up contemptuously at the military sounds coming from above: Bugles, barked commands -- "Engineering division, fall in! -- "Dress right, dress right!" -- "Ready, front!" -- "Prepare for inspection!" Holman finishes packing his bag. 4 - ON DECK Bugle... Bos'un's Mate...whistle... BOS'UN'S MATE Secure from inspection! The men break ranks. 5 - BELOW DECKS - DAY Holman, now fully dressed and carrying his sea bag over his shoulder, proceeds up ladders, against the stream of sailors coming down from formation. His expression is set. He doesn't look at them, and they pay no personal attention to him. 6 - QUARTER-DECK - DAY Holman salutes the OOD. HOLMAN Holman, Machinist Mate first class. (flatly) Transferring. The OOD senses an undercurrent of hostility in Holman, chooses to ignore it. He takes the manila envelope containing Holman's orders, opens it, starts making entries in the log. OOD The San Pablo. What's that? HOLMAN Gunboat. Yangtse River Patrol. OOD Gonna be a river rat, huh? Holman barely nods. OOD You know where to find her? HOLMAN Central China. I take a --(fishes for the word)-- civilian steamer upriver. The OOD hands the orders back to Holman. OOD You ask for this duty? HOLMAN I asked for it. OOD There's no liberty in Shanghai, so report for further transportation at once. (drily) Good luck, sailor. Holman shoulders his sea bag, stops for a moment at the top of the gangway, salutes the OOD and the flag. The OOD returns both salutes, walks to the gangway and watches Holman go down. DISSOLVE TO: END...
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