reports showed
that the ships had held up well through the groundings and collisions
that were common on the rivers. The Panay was deemed salvageable even
after being bombed to the bottom of the Yangtze in 1937.
The new gunboats were not a complete success, because none met the
design characteristics so so frequently recommended by experienced
China sailors. Excessive draft was the most important discrepancy: the
two smallest, the Guam and Tutuilla, drew 6 feet, 4 inches, which
barely permitted them to operate year-round on the upper Yangtze. The
other four ships could steam only the upper river during the
May-September period of "high water." As a result, as early as 1933 the
Yangtze Patrol commander, Rear Admiral Y. S. Williams, requested
construction of gunboats that would not be restricted by "excessive
length and draft."
The six new gunships served on China's rivers throughout the 1930s,
attempting to deal with the disruptive effects of the fractionalized
Nationalist government and its struggles with the communists and the
Japanese. The ships protected merchant steamers, rescued U.S. and other
foreign citizens, and exerted a stabilizing influence along China's
waterways. Although U.S. naval and diplomatic officers sought to carry
out these tasks without interfering in the country's internal affairs,
this was a forlorn hope, since the U.S. gunboats were interfering in
China simply by being there.

USS Luzon (PG-47) ran aground on the Woosung breakwater below Shanghai
on her maiden voyage. After her yangtze service, in December 1941 she
steamed from China to the Philippines, where she was scuttled in Manila
Bay when Corregidor fell. Salvaged by the Japanese as the gunboat
Karatsu, she was sunk the submarine USS Narwhal (SS-167) in 1944.
The war
with Japan claimed four of the gunboats. The Panay, sank in
December 1937, was the U.S. Navy's first World War II casualty. The
Luzon, Mindanao, and Oahu steamed from China to the Philippines in
early December 1941. The Oahu was sunk by Japanese gunfire near
Corregidor in May 1942, while the Mindinao was scuttled by her crew
after being immobilized by Japanese bombs that same month. The Luzon
also was scuttled in Manila Bay when Corregidor fell in May, but she
was salvaged by the Japanese, who operated the gunboat as HIJMS Karatsu
until she was sunk by the submarine Narwhal (SS-167) in 1944.
The Guam was renamed the USS Wake (also PG-43) in
January 1941, so Guam
could be used for a new battlecruiser. The Wake was considered too
small for the
to the Philippines when war loomed, so her crew
was divided between the larger Luzon and Oahu. The Wake, fulfilling the
seagoing superstition that it is bad luck to rename a ship, was
surrendered to the Japanese at Shanghai in December 1941, the only U.S.
warship to strike her colors in World War II. She operated as HIJMS
Tarata until 1945 and then as the Republic of China ship Tai Yuan until
captured by the communist Chinese in 1948 - perhaps setting a record by
serving as a warship in four different navies and surrendering from at
least three of them.
The Tutuilla steamed up the Yangtze to the wartime capital of Chungking
when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. She was transferred to the
Chinese Navy in 1942 and renamed Mei Yuan. The ship served with the
Nationalists until 1948, when she was scuttled at Shanghai as the
communists threatened the city.
Japan's 1941 aggression marked the end of the U.S. gunboat presence in
China. The Japanese Navy destroyed the Asiatic Fleet and the gunboats
of the Yangtze Patrol met varying fates. The U.S. Navy returned to
China in 1945, but the "unequal treaties" had been revoked and the
foreign presence drastically reduced. An era had ended for the Navy
with the loss of the gunboats in 1941. The Asiatic Fleet and Yangtze
Patrol existed thereafter only in myth and legend.